Thursday 15 February 2007

Valentine’s day

Ah! The cynic in me says it is just another cheap money making gimmick in additions to the ones we already have... and I know many of my friends agree with this. However I don’t find that to be true, I mean sure to an extent, it IS another money making scheme. I’m sure Hallmark executives all have a look of sheer satisfaction as the hoards of people rush out to buy cards and the desired gifts that accompany a Valentine’s Day card. Looking around I usually find it’s the males species that rush around... most probably as they have forgotten to buy the necessary gifts in the 1st place but that’s another matter :)

But at the same time I find it extremely sweet that it gives people an opportunity to express their affection, love (whatever you want to call it) under the pretence of this day. I mean you should be able to do that whenever you please but I think Valentine’s Day gives some people the opportunity to make their feelings known without feeling too exposed to everyone else. Basically it’s always nice to hear that someone loves you :) right?

I spent most of my day at working at the IPI today and ended up giving a presentation of a potential business idea by my team. Those of you that know me know that presentations are exactly my most favourite thing to do! Nervousness seems to take over me and the ability to form coherent sentences seems to falter a little bit. But still I managed to get through it and as a treat in the evening, the whole of the Bio2work group when to whetherspoons (local bar/eatery) in town to relax. Just to explain the Bio2work groups consists of science graduates, mostly girls for some reason and are quite a friendly bunch. It also includes one of my good friends, Elizabeth, who I met like on the first day of uni and we just seemed to click ever since :) Although Nigerian in descent and a devout Christian, she shares similar views to mine on life, family and her knowledge of asian culture is quite impressive. Though much of this knowledge has been gleaned from Bollywood no less, of which she’s a big fan, lol. Anyway all this makes probably make her an honorary asian gal and she’s such a laugh to be around.

Anyway back to my main point about Valentine’s Day, Elizabeth has been in a relationship ever since the 1st day she met him at uni (awww, so sweet!). Although I’m sure they express their love for each other every day she still felt the need to buy into gimmick that is valentine’s day, when she really needn’t have, what with her being a in a stable and loving relationship, mashAllah. When I asked her why so, Liz just stopped and smiled at me... “Saima, when it happens to you, you’ll know what I mean.” And with that she hugged me and went back to wrapping her boyfriend’s present, a bright red iPod nano... If that doesn’t signify love, I don’t know what does! :P

I then went away to read my horoscope for fun, as you do...
“The office hottie is making goo-goo eyes at you. Then your barista gives you a free coffee just for being cute. Well, aren't you just a lucky so-and-so? Everything's coming up roses for you, so stop and smell 'em.”

Not being a firm believer; still it got me thinking... what exactly should I be waiting for? How will I know it’s the real thing? Will there be a little fanfare to let me know of his arrival? A blot from the blue? Hmm feeling intrigued by this; any guidance would be greatly appreciated people! :)

1 comment:

  1. Did the office hottie ask you out then? You know who I mean :P
