Monday 26 February 2007

My Birthday

Argh, I’m old! Or getting there anyway, lol. Today of all days, I had a yucky cold and still had to go to the IPI for training. It was a lab day though so not all bad. I was very out of it otherwise I would have noticed the mass whispering going on around me... which later turned out to be a little surprise party, gifts from Liz and just general good fun which really cheered me up. Definitely had a lot of giggles today, especially when Urvi and Sarjil told me that I looked very similar to Shilpa Shetty. I’m pretty sure this is because she’s in the news quite a lot lately due to the big race row on Celeb Big Brother this year. Careful not to use the word “famous" as I don’t really think Shilpa has earned that tag yet? Famous for being a victim of a racist, hmm...

After getting home, my younger brother, Billy gave me a birthday present for the first time on his own, without any of Aisha’s or mum’s input. Guess there are gonna be a lot of firsts for me this year; my first birthday without Aisha for a start :( Billy got me a little necklace with the word “Sister” inscribed on it, which was sweet. I think he got to show me how he much he loves me; but it ended up making me cry and reminded me of what I’d lost over the past year. So yea the day got off to a shaky start but ended good. Feels fabulous to be reminded of how much everyone loves and cares for you. One of the things I love doing is reading through all the thoughtful messages, emails and cards that get sent. A big thank you to everyone for their good wishes and blessings. I may still be ill but feeling truly blessed! :)

Thursday 15 February 2007

Valentine’s day

Ah! The cynic in me says it is just another cheap money making gimmick in additions to the ones we already have... and I know many of my friends agree with this. However I don’t find that to be true, I mean sure to an extent, it IS another money making scheme. I’m sure Hallmark executives all have a look of sheer satisfaction as the hoards of people rush out to buy cards and the desired gifts that accompany a Valentine’s Day card. Looking around I usually find it’s the males species that rush around... most probably as they have forgotten to buy the necessary gifts in the 1st place but that’s another matter :)

But at the same time I find it extremely sweet that it gives people an opportunity to express their affection, love (whatever you want to call it) under the pretence of this day. I mean you should be able to do that whenever you please but I think Valentine’s Day gives some people the opportunity to make their feelings known without feeling too exposed to everyone else. Basically it’s always nice to hear that someone loves you :) right?

I spent most of my day at working at the IPI today and ended up giving a presentation of a potential business idea by my team. Those of you that know me know that presentations are exactly my most favourite thing to do! Nervousness seems to take over me and the ability to form coherent sentences seems to falter a little bit. But still I managed to get through it and as a treat in the evening, the whole of the Bio2work group when to whetherspoons (local bar/eatery) in town to relax. Just to explain the Bio2work groups consists of science graduates, mostly girls for some reason and are quite a friendly bunch. It also includes one of my good friends, Elizabeth, who I met like on the first day of uni and we just seemed to click ever since :) Although Nigerian in descent and a devout Christian, she shares similar views to mine on life, family and her knowledge of asian culture is quite impressive. Though much of this knowledge has been gleaned from Bollywood no less, of which she’s a big fan, lol. Anyway all this makes probably make her an honorary asian gal and she’s such a laugh to be around.

Anyway back to my main point about Valentine’s Day, Elizabeth has been in a relationship ever since the 1st day she met him at uni (awww, so sweet!). Although I’m sure they express their love for each other every day she still felt the need to buy into gimmick that is valentine’s day, when she really needn’t have, what with her being a in a stable and loving relationship, mashAllah. When I asked her why so, Liz just stopped and smiled at me... “Saima, when it happens to you, you’ll know what I mean.” And with that she hugged me and went back to wrapping her boyfriend’s present, a bright red iPod nano... If that doesn’t signify love, I don’t know what does! :P

I then went away to read my horoscope for fun, as you do...
“The office hottie is making goo-goo eyes at you. Then your barista gives you a free coffee just for being cute. Well, aren't you just a lucky so-and-so? Everything's coming up roses for you, so stop and smell 'em.”

Not being a firm believer; still it got me thinking... what exactly should I be waiting for? How will I know it’s the real thing? Will there be a little fanfare to let me know of his arrival? A blot from the blue? Hmm feeling intrigued by this; any guidance would be greatly appreciated people! :)

Monday 5 February 2007

Actions speak louder than words

A few weeks ago I met an old uni friend and chatted about some recent events that had taken place within our circle of friends, in the presence of a mutual acquaintance. During our catch up, my uni friend made a comment about the situation we were discussing and turned away at the same time. He then went onto answer a call on his mobile phone and drifted away from where we were stood. As I had known him a while, I think I had grown used to Mohammad’s behaviour, though God knows I pointed it out to him on many occasions. However I later found out that our mutual acquaintance found this to be extremely rude and very inappropriate.

However it was this same mutual acquaintance, actually we’ll call her Mary for the now as I’m tired of writing mutual acquaintance repeatedly!. So yes one day uh... Mary and I were in a lift when a third person, a male who I also knew, entered the lift and commented on how lovely we both looked today (we both had presentations to give at uni). As I knew the guy, I replied with my usual trademark sarcasm whilst Mary I’m assuming didn’t know how to respond and didn’t speak but rewarded the man with a small smile and turned away. Later during lunch time, we were sat having lunch with a group of other scientists which were mostly girls and someone commented on how Mary had spotted an huge error in one of the machines in the lab to which Mary grinned a huge grin and explained how she came about spotting the error. During this period the same group of people commented on a written article that I had submitted to which I replied with a thank you nod and a small appreciative smile.

A couple of days later I met the same man and the group of female scientists in a lift (ironically most of my life changing stuff happens in lifts, but that’s another story!). We all sat down for an afternoon break and discussed the presentations from the previous day. It turns out that these people found Mary to be a rude person just the same way Mary had found Mohammad to be rude. I felt slightly confused and enquired as to why Mary was targeted. What social faux pas had she committed?! Their explanations were as follows:

The lift – Upon receiving compliments on our appearances, Mary did not reply which made the man think she was already aware of how good she looked and he was beneath her. Therefore his comment had no effect on her and she was perceived to be a bit of a snob. I, on the other hand, had made a joke about it, which made the man feel that I had acknowledged his compliment and so he felt I was friendlier than Mary and more fun to be around.
Lunchtime – After receiving praise about out work, Mary had gone onto explain how she had spotted the mistake and this made the group think that she was arrogant and showing off her superiority in front of the others. Whilst in comparison, I had accepted the praise by nodding my head and then saying no more about it. Therefore I was seen to be more modest than Mary and again more socially accepted.

This explanation left me confused as a simple reversal of responses from Mary and I had brought about such different reactions in different situations. It also raised a lot of questions.
1) Comparisons - had I not been in those places for comparative purposes i.e. Mary on her own; would those people still have formed the same opinion about Mary regardless of my presence? But because I was present they had someone to gauge her responses with and so it somehow became a contest on social etiquette.
2) Genders – was the difference in gender influential in those situations. For example men usually trying to impress women by telling them how good they look and when not listened to, they feel rejected and see the girl as the wrong party. Equally women like to be better than other woman so if another girl accepts a comment quite readily then she is seen as a threat perhaps and again the wrong party.

Ironically I came out quite well in both these scenarios. But I wonder why. With the man, I was relaxed as he was a decent guy, a friend I was comfortable around. I don’t see myself as particularly good looking and so usually compliments about my appearance I respond to in a jokey manner as I don’t believe them to be true. Similarly with the group of girls, who I knew quite well, I didn’t know how to react to the comments on my work, even if it was an outstanding piece of work. Those of you that know me also know that I am never sure how to react to comments on my work. Criticism I can deal with, I take it on board and assess whether those changes need to be made; praise my work however and I falter, the most I ever manage is a smile and a nod.

But it got me thinking, perhaps Mary was the opposite, maybe she didn’t think she was pretty and so didn’t know how to take a compliment and preferred to stay quiet rather than make fun of it like I did. In terms of intellect, perhaps she’s more confident and outgoing in her ability whereas I am more shy and reserved. I do know one thing though; coming from a Punjabi family perhaps social etiquette doesn’t matter much but out in the world, it definitely has its place and it can be confusing. It’s not just your words than have an effect, it’s your body language as well!