Monday 15 May 2006

The Apprentice 2006

Sir Alan Sugar with series 2 winner Michelle Dewberry

Woohoo! It’s finally over and I’m so glad that Michelle won the series! Although the girl didn’t do anything particularly impressive and seemed to fade into the background throughout the whole series, I still preferred her. Ruth was a good contender but my god was she a backstabber (Episode 10 – Syed well n truly gone!). Anyway it’s true what they say; it’s always the quite ones, lol. Last year it was Tim and this year it was Michelle.

Last series I did actually want Saira Khan to win – yea she did have some cringe worthy moments but overall was a good determined business woman, a bit like Ruth this year. There are a lot of similarities between the two series of the apprentice. Last year’s cocky guy was Paul Torrisi and this year it was Paul Tulip; must be a thing with Paul’s especially if they’re from Yorkshire. The crazies were James May from last year and Jo Cameron in this year’s series! I can’t end without mentioning this year’s idiot – Syed Ahmed. Yea sure he is a good businessman and he is good looking (I’m not gonna deny him that) but he did have some really piss taking moments. A bit of a liar, conman, inability to be patient and used to getting his on way etc. Sounding a bit like all asian men really... just kidding! He was good but I don’t think he would have been chosen in the end even though Sir Alan did take a bit of a shine to him. I would have liked to see him put through the interviews though and see if he’d be able to BS his way past some of those interviewers. Wonder if he’ll ever look back and regret some of the things he said (He’s from the east end don’t you know?!) and did (Chicken pizza incident very amusing! lol!). Anyway what’s done is done. So basically he’s a bit of an idiot at times but I still quite like him for some reason. Guess some people just need to think things through before doing anything. Hmm… sounds a lot like other people I know, lol.

As you may have gathered I am a bit of an apprentice fan and thoroughly enjoyed both series though I did miss the first part of this latest series due to important stuff like university and assignments etc. Final year does take priority! Anyway both series were excellent and I’m looking forward to the third series next year. Out of all the reality shows out there, I have to say that The Apprentice is the best one by far. You learn new things, people are actually working, being creative, as opposed to the mind numbing qualities of the latest Big Brother series and on top of all that you get to see Sir Alan’s cheerful face each week! Grrr! What’s not to like? lol! I never though I’d say this but a reality show is actually my favourite show at the moment! Uh oh… what is going on in the world?! lol!

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