Monday 12 July 2010

What is going on here?

It’s a little worrying when our MP's would rather go out drinking rather than concentrating on politics. I know there’s recession on but honestly, pull it together!

And it’s probably drinking sessions in the party that led to certain decisions like the one below and probably explains why the Tories are now in power

And this is why the Tories are in power now...

Also another article completely unrelated to politics, but still worth a mention... not in my day  

I know America’s compensation culture has infiltrated itself over here in Britain very quickly but come on! A teacher sues the school for her damaged larynx due to her having to shout at the children she was suppose to be teaching? Honestly isn’t that what teachers do as part of their job? Also a good teacher shouldn’t have to shout so much if he/she knows how to control their class and I know my high school teachers hardly ever had to raise their voice on a regular basis.

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