Sunday 21 October 2007

What do diabetes patients wish you knew?

Diabetes is a disease that affects the normal regulation of glucose in the body and occurs when the body produces very little or no insulin – a hormone that aids the breakdown of glucose. The molecules of glucose are broken down into smaller molecules of glycogen, which can be stored in the liver and can be used if the blood glucose drops again.

Diabetes is a unique disease as it requires the patient to take a lot more responsibility for their own treatment. Therefore in order to be treated successfully it is important that the patient has a good working relationship with their GP. But sometimes that doesn’t always happen. On the other hand, it’s also a good idea to become more educated about your condition and find your own support group that isn’t necessarily linked to your primary healthcare team.

My father actually suffers from diabetes and sometimes his medication doesn’t always agree with him. Therefore I’ve been reading a lot more about ways to naturally control your blood sugar levels as opposed to using medication. There is so much research on the disease – some of the work seems promising whilst some not so much. Sometimes it’s hard to make sense of it all, even if you do study science and so forth. During my search, I came across this blog by Amy Tenderich who is actually a very clued up patient and I found her posts very informative. Perhaps more patients should keep online blogs as sometimes patients may know something useful, that their doctors might not. Just a thought :)

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