Sunday 27 May 2007

Britain is not a follower but a leader

So says Tony Blair... but it’s kinda hard for me to take him seriously when lately he spent a good few years, firmly seated in George Bush’s Lap :P

On a serious note though, Tony Blair; leader of the labour party and prime minister of the UK for a good decade or so. It will be sad to see him leave; partly due to the intense pressure he was placed under to resign and partly because the thing he will be most remembered for during his time will be the Iraq war.

Many people forget all the good things he did help to deliver;
  • Vast improvements in the NHS,
  • Reforms in the educational system (ok so I don’t love him for introducing top up fees for uni students, but I do see his point)
  • Improving the economy

I guess he was not afraid to admit when he’s made a mistake, of which there have been many! And it also helps that he’s a charming man, in fact I think my high school sociology teacher once compared him to a second hand car salesman... “Tony Blair could sell you anything and you would believe him!”

In all honesty, it will be sad to see him go as it marks the end of an era, but here’s hoping he goes onto better things :)

Wednesday 2 May 2007


Will they make a difference? I bloody well hope so.
Did I vote for the BNP... Hell no!
Will my dad still double check at least three times, that I didn’t vote for them when he gets home tonight? You betcha!